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Sunday, February 3, 2019

102 Dalmatians Activity Center

Petition to Give Forgotten Disney More Love

I bought Disney's 102 Dalmatians Activity Center off Amazon and I LOVE it! Here's some screenshots from it!

Here's the case first off. I got mine off Amazon and it came caseless (But my local Goodwill has a copy I might pick up) so here's what the case for 102 Dalmatians Activity Center should look like

The launch scree has some really early 2000s feels and I love it! The Disney logo in the top seems to be in a darker purple rectangle though. Hmmm...

Ah yes the title card: Disney's 102 Dalmatians Activity Center! (Hey, I gotta get these seo keywords somehow)

Here's the London map, you can also go to Paris too.

Here's a picture I made on the picture maker featuring Oddball, Domino, Little Dipper, Waddlesworth, Digger, Chomp, and Drooler with a flower background. It's got a static copyright date of 2000, which is fair enough, they probably didn't expect anyone to play with 19 years later, but I still had a blast doing so.

It even has some neat realistic looking dog Clip art. When you choose one Chloe Simon tells you what breed it is and gives some fun facts about them

Here's some sample backgrounds from the art game:

A dalmatian American flag oddly enough, as 102 Dalmatians takes place in London like 101 Dalmatians did. It is an American made game which I suppose justifies it but it's sill odd.
This almost Picasso looking dog who has a similar color pallet to T Bone from Clifford.
Some puppies who look like they just came out of the 1961 One Hundred and One Dalmatians film.
A dalmatian who kind of resembles Domino in a bowler hat and  suit. I wonder if he was just a member of OWCA back in the day.

A dog who could fit right in the museum of modern art 

Some trippy cloud dalmatians... like...what's the deal with that?

Some Andy Warhol inspired pop art Dalmatians
One of the background things you could choose that I think is adorable, little cans of dog food.

I took this screenshot because the fact Oddball can go up and down ladders is hilarious to me. Like, look at her go!

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