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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Some Forgotten Disney to Watch this April 1st

Petition to give Forgotten Disney More Love

Happy April 1st! Today I'm going to list some Forgotten Disney Media that's perfect for April Fools Day!

Walk The Prank

Walk the Prank was basically Disney XD's answer to Punk'd and Hijinks. It's a typical hidden camera show, although aimed at an older child audience. Some of the pranks are flat out weird, and it's got a certain charm to it. I really enjoyed this show and I think you will too! Fittingly enough we've got a video Disney XD uploaded last April Fools Day.

Here's another pranky Disney XD thingy. Pranksgiving  which was hosted by Crash of Crash and Bernstein.  This itself was made for Thanksgiving, hence the fun, but still a good watch for today! He even gets a prank on a certain forgotten Disney Ninja too

Pranks for Nothing
Speaking of Ninjas we've also got the episode of Randy Cunningham, Pranks for Nothing! If you can't tell I adore this show.

Rocket Man
And last but not least is 1997's Rocket Man. This one itself is more of a prank you can set up. Just tell someone you're gonna watch RocketMan (you know, the Elton John movie that was amazing!) and instead put on this forgotten Disney film! Who knows, maybe they'll have a new favorite?